The Michigan Net

QMN Meets twice per day. QMN will also hold a 9AM session if stations are available. Summer conditions sometimes change net frequency to 7.063. Recent poor conditions sometimes dictate 1.812 MHz.

Part of the National Traffic System

Net Manager: K8BKM

Sun–Sat at 18:30

3.563 N/A
3.563 N/A Alternate

1 2 3 20

Net Activity Year 2024

Month QNI QTC QTR Sessions Hours
Jun 2024 375 87 11.00 60 0.00
May 2024 385 61 11.00 61 0.00
Apr 2024 398 96 12.00 60 0.00
Mar 2024 408 65 10.00 62 0.00
Feb 2024 320 80 10.00 58 0.00
Jan 2024 368 67 10.00 62 0.00