The counties in Michigan are organized into 7 regions as defined by the Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division of the Michigan State Police. Additional districts are listed for coordination with the Salvation Army and the National Weather Service offices. Follow the links below for a list of the corresponding counties.

District DEC
One Jodie Thompson K8NZB
Two Jon Blome NX0H
Three Fred Moses W8FSM
Five Bret White KD8RHB
Six David Robertson N8UKH
Seven Charles Brew N8NXP
Eight Peter Costa K8PDC
NWS APX Michael Vandermey KD8REH
NWS DTX Randy Love WF5X
NWS GRR Michael Gage N8VLN
NWS MQT James Belles N8NAV
Section Max Schneider KE8DON
SATERN Dick Seeley N8NIF