If you are into packet, and especially Winlink, the folks from the River Raisin Repeater Association have installed a new BPQ/Winlink in Monroe. Located in grid square EN81fv, the node is on 144.93 MHz. To get into the node, connect to either MI7MON or K8RPT-10. Thank you to Dale, WA8EFK for spearheading to get this […]
Tom Bosscher Approved as State-Recognized AUXC
Congratulations to Tom Bosscher on becoming a state-recognized Auxiliary Communicator (AUXC)!
Fred Moses Appointed District 3 Emergency Coordinator
Fred Moses has been appointed as District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) for District 3. He succeeds Max Schneider, who was filling the role temporarily. A Michigan native, Fred W8FSM has been licensed since 2000. He has a background in computers and RF networking, and is a staunch believer in community service, most notably helping to support […]