Public Service Honor Roll

The Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) recognizes the efforts of Amateur Radio operators who are active in many aspects of public service. This includes net operations, traffic handling, emergency operations and public service communication support. These hours are also published in the Field Organization Reports column in QST, the monthly membership journal of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

Learn more about the PSHR (opens in new tab). A form is available to help you format a radiogram to send a PSHR. The report is due by the 10th of each month and should be sent to the Section Traffic Manager K8ED.

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Report Month Net Checkins Traffic Section Appointments Public Service Hours Public Safety Hours Digital Maint. Total Points
Oct 2022 422 392 250 835 0 320 2219
Sep 2022 417 378 250 465 550 320 2380
Aug 2022 398 355 230 720 155 358 2216
Jul 2022 421 399 250 890 80 300 2340
Jun 2022 408 390 250 950 55 320 2373
May 2022 407 388 250 770 50 330 2195
Apr 2022 405 375 250 970 5 330 2335
Mar 2022 430 389 270 1058 5 370 2522
Feb 2022 413 354 230 555 125 300 1977
Jan 2022 480 424 260 750 15 430 2359
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