40 meters has not been cooperating, and 60 meters has been marginal in the afternoon. Effective August 14, the net will return to its 80 meters home at 3.932 MHz, +/- QRM. The alternate frequency will be 60 meters channel 2, with 7.232 MHz as a tertiary frequency.
James H. Smith II appointed EC for Alcona County
James H. Smith II N8AVX has been appointed the Emergency Coordinator for Alcona, succeeding Stan Darmofal W8SZ.
Welcome to the New Site
You may have been redirected here, or you may have visited mi-arpsc.org directly. Either way, welcome to the new site. This is a consolidation of a number of former sites: ares-mi.org nts-mi.org mi-arpsc.org auxcomm-mi.org The major areas of the site are shown at the top of the page (ARES, NTS, and the AUXCOMM Work Group). […]