Net Report

Net reports show the following information:

  • QNI—number of check-ins during the month
  • QTC—total pieces of traffic handled
  • QTR—total run time in hours of all sessions
  • Sessions—the number of sessions of the net held
  • Hours—equivalent hours (QNI * QTR) summed across sessions

Click on a net name to see more information and history of activity for the net.

1 225 226 227 228

Net Reports for April 2006

Net QNI QTC QTR Sessions Hours
Benzie County VHF Net 34 0 2.50 4
Great Lakes Emergency and Traffic Net 425 27 13.45 30
Hiawatha Net 59 3 1.68 5
Kent County ARPSC Net 51 4 2.83 4 33.42
Michigan Amateur Communications System 197 47 10.83 25
Michigan Amateur Radio Public Service Corps 52 1 2.95 5 33.95
Michigan Traffic Net 245 269 12.47 28 123.00
Michigan VHF Traffic Net 181 139 8.83 17 89.42
Motor City Radio Club 2 Meter Net 211 19 4
Northern Lower Eastern Upper Peninsula Net 167 16 6.17 29 40.00
Omnibus VHF Net 30 0 1.33 3 13.27
Red Cross Net of Greater Grand Rapids 24 7 2.00 8 6.00
Southeastern Michigan Traffic Net 200 93 8.65 29
The Michigan Net 400 109 8.51 57
Thumb Mid-Michigan Traffic Net 222 37 12.38 25
Upper Peninsula Net 1089 54 25.00 35
Wolverine Single Sideband Net 588 31 18.97 30
1 225 226 227 228