The following counties are included in the district.

County Simplex
Alger 147.46 Timothy Hass KD8ZYW
Baraga 146.45 John Swift N8WAV
Chippewa 146.54 Bob Sterner KB0BS
Delta 146.45 Mark Seymour N8XAH
Dickinson 146.58 Peter Costa K8PDC
Gogebic 146.47 Andrew Tait AB8ZJ
Houghton 146.42 Matthew Miller KD8OOS
Iron 146.49
Keweenaw 146.56 Matthew Miller KD8OOS
Luce 146.40 Peter Costa K8PDC
Mackinac 146.58 Dylan Vincent KE8UFF
Marquette 147.44 James Belles N8NAV
Menominee 146.56 Mike Lemke KD8FUE
Ontonagon 146.40 Alfred Trainer III KC8OCK
Schoolcraft 146.42 Grant Harris AA8GH